Call for Abstracts

The LEN Learn to Swim Conference, the first of its kind, will include the launch of the LEN Learn to Swim Framework and is aimed at member federations, academics, swim teaching and other aquatic professionals who want to learn from each other.

Applications are invited from Aquatic Professionals, Volunteers and Researchers to present scientific research or applied practice. Applied practice may include your national Learn to Swim framework, educational initiatives or similar. Authors are encouraged to explain how the results of their work have contributed to knowledge and practice in their field. 

All National Federations who have a Learn to Swim programme are encouraged to submit an abstract.

LEN are dedicated to building a diverse, inclusive, and authentic aquatics environment and we particularly welcome female applicants and those from an ethnic minority to submit poster or abstract presentations.

Suggested Topics

  • Pre-school swimming
  • School swimming
  • National Federations Learn to Swim Programs
  • Teaching 5–12-year-olds to swim
  • Teaching adults to swim
  • Retaining teenagers in swimming
  • Drowning prevention
  • Integrating/ supporting people with disabilities
  • Use of learning aids
  • Aquatic literacy
  • Medical considerations
  • Perceived and real aquatic competence
  • Innovation in learning to swim
  • Use of technology to support learning to swim
  • Learn to Swim as a compulsory curriculum subject


Presenting authors who have accepted abstracts will have to register with the conference to confirm their presentation (oral or poster communication). Oral presenters will be offered a reduction of 50% for the registration fee. Poster/ video presenters will not receive a discount. If the authors fail to register, the presentation will not be included in the conference programme.

Abstract Submission

Abstracts must be submitted in English, with a maximum of 750 words, and should describe a technical scientific work or your own applied practice. The name(s) of the author(s), without academic degrees, must be presented separated by commas. The institutional affiliations of each author may be numbered next to their surname, and then described in correspondence following the text. The corresponding author email address must also be indicated. The finalized version of the abstract must be sent in *.docx format to the following email address by October 15, 2023: At the time of submission, authors must indicate the type of presentation they intend: oral or poster/ video communication. Depending on the number of works submitted for oral presentation, the organizing committee may direct the abstract for presentation in poster/ video format.
After the submission period is over, all abstracts will be peer-reviewed. Authors will be informed about the status of the submission (accepted, revisions required or rejected) by October 25, 2023.

Oral Presentations

The final program will include all abstract title accepted for oral communication. Authors will be given 15 minutes to present their work, followed by discussion. The preparation of supporting slides, a responsibility of the authors, must use the template to be provided by LEN in due course. It must be the author of the abstract who presents at the conference.

Submit abstract

  • All posters must be written entirely in English.
  • Authors are responsible for setting up and removing their posters.
  • Materials to pin the posters will be provided.
  • Maximum size 119 cm high and 84 cm wide (A0).
  • Handwritten posters are not accepted.
  • A poster printed on 1 large sheet is welcome.
  • Text must be easily readable at a 1.5 m distance.

Contact Information


Bulduru prospekts 64/68, Jūrmala, LV-2015

Phone number

+371 26084474



Swimming Federation of Latvia
Reg. no.: 40008029004
Address: Kipsalas str. 5, Riga, Latvia, LV1048
Bank: SEB bank
IBAN: LV67UNLA0055003644638