Member of the Learn To Swim Commission of LEN – European Aquatics; President of the Portuguese Swimming Coaches Association; Vice-President of the Coaching Confederation of Portugal; Associate professor at the Department of Sport Sciences of the University of Beira Interior, Portugal.
Aldo Costa was born in Vila do Conde (1978), Portugal. In 2009 finished his Ph.D in Sports Sciences at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) (Covilhã, Portugal). In 2017 successfully completed his aggregation academic title in sport science at UBI (talent identification and development). Currently holds a position of Associate Professor at the University of Beira Interior (UBI), with habilitation for teaching and researching namely “Practical studies in Swimming”, “Exercise Physiology” and “Talent Development and Excellence in Sport” in bachelor, master and doctoral courses.
Aldo is an experienced researcher in two national research centers (CIDESD and CICS-UBI), participating in several research projects with different research groups and institutions. Research interests preferably include the area of aquatic competence, sports training (in swimming), and talent development, having published more than 100 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.
In the last years, Aldo also acted as member of the executive board of the International Society for Comparative Sport and Physical Education, and as an invited expert on ongoing projects led by the Portuguese Swimming Federation, the World Aquatics (“Swimming for all, swimming for life” projet) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (“Education-2030 project”). Currently, Aldo is the President of the Portuguese Swimming Coaches Association, vice-president of the Coaching Confederation of Portugal and member of the LEN LTS commission.
. (Associate professor with habilitation) Department of Sport Sciences, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal
. (Researcher) Research Center on Sport, Health and Human Development (CIDESD-UBI)
. (Researcher) Health Sciences Research Center (CICS-UBI)
. (President) Portuguese Swimming Coaches Association (APTN)
. (Vice-President) Coaching Confederation of Portugal (CPAT)